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Over 2,000 MCQs (with answers & explanations) on Pre-clinical and Clinical Medical School courses
From our blog
A few bits & bobs on medical school and the likes
What to expect in Part 4 Medicine

Welcome to Medical School, now.

Tanaka Mawere

Monday, 22 July 2024
What to expect in Part 3 BMS

Great. You have done two years of BMS. What's in store in the third year?

Tanaka Mawere

Monday, 08 July 2024
AI, AI, AI - Update 1.6.0

Major updates to Medbase, read what they are

Tanaka Mawere

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Medbase Mobile Application📱

Get your MCQs offline, create quizzes & much more. Everything is better in the app.

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